Category: FOSS4G

Astun talks at FOSS4GUK: 2023

Find out what our intrepid trio talked about at FOSS4G:UK this year!

Recommended viewing: FOSS4G:UK Local 2023

Our GIS experts share their favourite moments from FOSS4G:UK 2023, complete with links to YouTube.

We’re sponsoring FOSS4G:UK 2023

Here’s everything you need to know about the UK’s open source geospatial event of the year!

A great month for GIS

If GIS had a month, November would be it. The #30daymap challenge was widely embraced once again. GIS Day (16th November) and PostGIS Day (17th November) generated a flurry of interest on social media platforms. Best of all, November saw the long-awaited arrival of FOSS4G:UK Local 2022!

Recommended viewing: FOSS4GUK: 2022

Find out which presentations had our team riveted at FOSS4GUK: 2022!