
User-friendly fault reporting

Are poor-quality fault reports hampering your service delivery?

Inaccurate reports make it difficult for maintenance teams to efficiently repair faults and issues, such as broken streetlights, potholes and flytipping. 

Logger, an add-on to iShare in the Cloud (iSiC), improves report accuracy by enabling residents to use a map to pinpoint the location of a fault or issue.

Logger can include data from iSiC in the fault reporting process and simplify the sharing of contextual information with back office systems. 

Try the demoInformation Sheet

Benefits of using Logger 

This simple tool offers benefits across the board

Your organisation

Improve service delivery by automatically triggering repair workflows


Your team

Your colleagues

Liberate contact centre call handlers from repetitive fault report calls



Your data

Minimise the risk of incorrect reports, duplicated reports and data transcription errors


Your community

Improve the website user experience by making it eaier to report faults via desktops and mobiles


Implementing Logger

The four step process to add Logger to your website


Getting started

We’ll give you documentation
and advice 


Developing your app

Your web team will use our SDK and developer tools to build a web app 


Publishing your webpage

Residents will be able to use the app on your website to report faults 



If configured, Logger will automatically pass information to your CRM and/or back office systems for further action

Step into your residents’ shoes

Use our demo to report a broken streetlight, new pothole or fly-tipping

Try our demo

Improve the accuracy of reports

Logger’s map layers help users find locations, control where they can click and provide
additional information for maintenance teams

Map Layer

OS Premium base mapping helps your users identify the right location. You can configure aerial photography or other base maps in Logger too.

Target Layer

The target layer can be used to ensure that your users can only click where you want them to, e.g. users are constrained to reporting potholes on highways. If no target layers are used, users can report issues anywhere.


Reporting a faulty streetlight

In this example, Logger helps a user correctly identify a streetlight’s location by allowing them to choose from specific assets. 


OS Premium base mapping


Streetlight point layer


OS MasterMap Roads, Tracks and Paths 

Have a go!

Streetlight ID, type of issue and comments from the reporter



In this example, users are provided with a web map as an alternative channel for reporting fly-tipping. Users can precisely locate the site, and the application can query ownership and adoption layers to determine responsibility. It can even be configured to allocate a job to the area’s clean-up team.


OS Premium base mapping


Local Authority boundary area


A layer of council-maintained land (this may contain Land Registry layers showing non-LA owners) and a layer of reponse team areas

Try it for yourself

A description of the fly-tip

Back office integration

Save time by automatically sharing fault reports with back office systems, including

Share this info with colleagues

This five minute non-technical read provides a short introduction to Logger. It includes a walk through of the user experience, links to more technical documentation and answers several FAQs. 

Download the PDF

Other ways to use Logger

Logger is a user-friendly way to gather information about a range of issues


Drainage & flooding


Even more use cases for Logger…

For food hygiene issues to footpath obstructions! 

Get more infoRequest a demo

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