Affiliations and memberships
We’re an ethical employer and a key supporter of the geospatial and data communities.

We are a corporate member of the AGI. Many of our open source training courses are also accredited by the AGI.
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Our sponsorship of the Open Source GeoSpatial Foundation (OSGeo) helps it continue its vital work.
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Membership of EFQM enables us to demonstrate our commitment to developing a culture of excellence.
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We’ve committed to reducing our emissions by half before 2030 and achieving net-zero by 2050.
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Our membership of the Equality Register demonstrates our commitment to excellent equality and diversity practices.
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As a Living Wage employer we give our employees the freedom to concentrate on solving our clients’ problems.
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We’re committed to cross-industry partnerships and different procurement frameworks.

As a G-Cloud supplier we enable government organisations to procure services at a reduced rate.
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We make it easy for customers to use Ordnance Survey data with open source based products.
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Our subscription service provides fully managed cloud deployments for over 30 organisations.
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Bramble Hub works as our thin prime contractor for the Data & Application Solutions (DAS) framework RM3821.
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Cloud Ready and Certified to Cyber Essentials Plus
We’ve demonstrated our commitment to security and data protection by achieving independent certification under the government-backed Cyber Essentials Plus scheme.
This programme helps organisations protect themselves against common cyber attacks.
EcoVadis Silver Medal
Our ESG performance has been assessed by EcoVadis, a holistic sustainability ratings service. The EcoVadis Rating covers a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labour & Human Rights and Ethics.
Our commitment to ESG has been recognised with the EcoVadis silver medal. This places us in the top 25% of companies assessed.